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19 Feb 2019, 23:38


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20 Feb 2019, 08:17

Ajdukurac krasni, zamantamise...:rofl:
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21 Feb 2019, 23:17

Da otklonimo svaku sumnju jesu li Trumpovi glasači čisti u glavi :D

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04 Mar 2019, 20:09

Here are some of the lighter moments from the Trump-Kim summit in Hanoi. The highlights include jogging bodyguards, a Kim Jong-un lookalike being deported and Kim having a smoke break as his sister holds a crystal ashtray. Also we see Trump frantically waving a Vietnam flag and seemingly understanding Kim's jokes, even though Korean leader spoke in his native tongue. We see the pair enjoying a 'private dinner' in front of the gathered media, including one of the "world's greatest photographers". After the summit ended with no agreement we see Trump having an awkward moment with a bunch of flowers then stumbling slightly as enters Air Force One.

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05 Mar 2019, 12:46

No comment.

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06 Mar 2019, 19:40

Haja, šija je šija a vrat je vrat. :raspa:

A nas ovamo šopaju direktivama k'o da smo guske, gutamo nevareno i nepečeno, bez žvakanja...mijenjamo Ustave i Zakone k'o da su čarape...ni podrignut ne smijemo. Fakin galofak nacija...:rofl: :rofl:
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06 Mar 2019, 21:47

Misliš na Kineza?
Pa, to ti je razlika između cirkusanta koji zabavlja publiku i sposobnog administratora, moj Adise.
Da i u američkoj vladi nema još nešto starih sposobnih kadrova, po Trumpovom idiotluku bi se sve skupa već skršilo. Zato niti oni koji su kod njega upali radi nekakvih korporativnih interesa (poput Tillersona) ne traju dugo - jednostavno nemaju toliko živaca da ga trpe, bez obzira na milijarde zelembaća koje im se smješe.
Al do kraja mandata uspjet će toliko uprskat američku i svjetsku ekonomiju da će se poslije morat sakrit u mišju rupu da ga ne nađu i objese za noge ko Musolinija. Jedino će ga ona masa retardiranih sociopata branit do zadnjeg daha. Osim ako uspije isprovocirat rat s Kinom, onda više ništa neće biti važno.
Ovo u videu^ je baš dobar primjer jeftine manipulacije kakvima se moron in ćif kod svojih birača služi. Ono, malo jednostavnijem umu izgleda ko da je stabilni genije ispravio golemu grešku svoje administracije, a ne što su samo morali prilagoditi naslov djeci s posebnim potrebama. :rofl:
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06 Mar 2019, 23:23

haram wrote:
06 Mar 2019, 21:47
Misliš na Kineza?
Pa, to ti je razlika između cirkusanta koji zabavlja publiku i sposobnog administratora, moj Adise.
Da i u američkoj vladi nema još nešto starih sposobnih kadrova, po Trumpovom idiotluku bi se sve skupa već skršilo. Zato niti oni koji su kod njega upali radi nekakvih korporativnih interesa (poput Tillersona) ne traju dugo - jednostavno nemaju toliko živaca da ga trpe, bez obzira na milijarde zelembaća koje im se smješe.
Al do kraja mandata uspjet će toliko uprskat američku i svjetsku ekonomiju da će se poslije morat sakrit u mišju rupu da ga ne nađu i objese za noge ko Musolinija. Jedino će ga ona masa retardiranih sociopata branit do zadnjeg daha. Osim ako uspije isprovocirat rat s Kinom, onda više ništa neće biti važno.
Ovo u videu^ je baš dobar primjer jeftine manipulacije kakvima se moron in ćif kod svojih birača služi. Ono, malo jednostavnijem umu izgleda ko da je stabilni genije ispravio golemu grešku svoje administracije, a ne što su samo morali prilagoditi naslov djeci s posebnim potrebama. :rofl:
Ma lako je meni i za Ćajnize i za Amere, poenta je da kad tamoneki ami-glupan ima problema sa shvatanjem legislative onda promijene legislativu, a kad jugo-glupan ima problema eeee onda promijene jugo-glupana...fak, treba se potruditi pa biti dijete s još posebnijim potrebama, možda onda popuste. :rofl: :rofl:
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07 Mar 2019, 17:05

Ma ne, Adise, kod nas promijene državu. :cerek:

Nego, evo vam malo s Twittera.

Reasons life in America was better 50 years ago:

* Higher crime made urban life more exciting
* No cell phones meant you could more easily avoid your friends
* More childhood disease made you appreciate health more
* Getting mad about Nixon more fun than getting mad about Trump

More reasons life in America was better 50 years ago:

* Coal smoke a constant reminder of American greatness
* Guatemala; need I say more?
* Constant threat of nuclear holocaust reminded us to live in the moment
* No Viagra = more free time

Yet more reasons life in America was better 50 years ago:

* Cleveland had a river catch FIRE. How awesome is that??
* No video games = no annoying gamers
* Planes actually crashed, so flying was more fun
* The romance of still believing Soviet communism could work

Even more reasons life in America was better 50 years ago:

* More fatal car crashes (that's good, right?)
* Massive riots in every major city - anarchy is fun!
* People were shorter, so they didn't bump their heads as much
* No digital cameras = easier to forget how ugly we were

Still more reasons life in America was better 50 years ago:

* Illegal weed meant weed was cool
* Gay couples could avoid expensive weddings
* Cities infested with adorable rats
* Vietnam

And more reasons life in America was better 50 years ago:

* Could support a family with one income and one full-time unpaid housekeeper
* "Send you to work in the mines" was a job offer instead of a threat
* Cars randomly exploded!
* Could litter freely

Oh, and you still had one year left to see Jimi Hendrix and/or Janis Joplin live!
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07 Mar 2019, 22:11

* Could support a family with one income and one full-time unpaid housekeeper
Zvuči poznato :D
* "Send you to work in the mines" was a job offer instead of a threat
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07 Mar 2019, 23:34

* No Viagra = more free time
Ain't that the goddamn truth? :rofl:
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16 Mar 2019, 01:59

Plati za privilegiju da budeš okupiran!

AmeriČka i EngleŠka
biće zemlja proleterska


:rofl: :rofl:
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01 Apr 2019, 14:15

Trump je neki dan u Bijeloj Kući primio Fabianu Rosales, 26godišnju suprugu vođe venecuelanske opozicije Juana Guaida koja ne zna niti beknuti na engleskom, i vodio je s njom važnu političku diskusiju čije detalje nije mogao riječima iskazati. :facepalm:

Zato je njegov savjetnik za nacionalnu sigurnost John Bolton bio mnogo jasniji:

"The point that I want to leave with you, in this very brief presentation, is where I started, is there is no United Nations. There is an international community that occasionally can be led by the only real power left in the world, and that’s the United States, when it suits our interest and when we can get others to go along. … The Secretariat Building in New York has 38 stories. If you lost 10 stories today, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.
We’re looking at the oil assets. That’s the single most important income stream to the government of Venezuela. We’re looking at what to do to that. … We don’t want any American businesses or investors caught by surprise. They can see what President Trump did yesterday. We’re following through on it. … We’re in conversation with major American companies now that are either in Venezuela, or in the case of Citgo here in the United States. … It will make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies really invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela.”

https://www.greanvillepost.com/2019/03/ ... L4qZTgQiyE

Naravno, nije niti ruska podrška Madurovoj vladi iz altruističkih pobuda.
https://www.vox.com/2019/3/27/18283807/ ... uro-guaido
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04 Apr 2019, 11:36

Šabović Adis wrote:
16 Mar 2019, 01:59
Plati za privilegiju da budeš okupiran!
Mislim da precjenjuju Trumpove sposobnosti, nema tu neke političke strategije, pogotovo ne vanjskopolitičke, on je jedan stari psiho bez suvislog plana za išta o ičemu, jedino mu je važno da stvara divljenje u očima svojih retardiranih sljedbenika nečime što njima zvuči revolucionarno, dok financijski krugovi moći imaju veću ili manju kontrolu nad njim a tzv. Deep State funkcionari (ili ono što je ostalo od njih) bore se da izbjegavaju političke katastrofe... šta drugo reći nakon ovakvih bizarnih izjava:

ovdje je i komentatorska analiza što se zapravo događa, naravno sudjeluje i jedan psihijatar-psihoanalitičar (žena):

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04 Apr 2019, 11:54

I jedan raniji intervju s dr. Bandy Lee, opet sa 'sikičke strane, o Trumpu i zabrinjavajućem trendu koji ga je ustoličio (nisam još pročitao sve).
https://www.salon.com/2018/12/04/trump- ... s_partner/
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04 Apr 2019, 17:41

haram wrote:
04 Apr 2019, 11:36
Mislim da precjenjuju Trumpove sposobnosti, nema tu neke političke strategije, pogotovo ne vanjskopolitičke, on je jedan stari psiho bez suvislog plana za išta o ičemu, jedino mu je važno da stvara divljenje u očima svojih retardiranih sljedbenika nečime što njima zvuči revolucionarno, dok financijski krugovi moći imaju veću ili manju kontrolu nad njim a tzv. Deep State funkcionari (ili ono što je ostalo od njih) bore se da izbjegavaju političke katastrofe... šta drugo reći nakon ovakvih bizarnih izjava:

ovdje je i komentatorska analiza što se zapravo događa, naravno sudjeluje i jedan psihijatar-psihoanalitičar (žena):

Štaje? Svako ima pravo na svoje zablude. I na to da ih dijeli zdrugima! :mad:
Msm, nećemo valjda potezat' verbalni delikt, jel' - sad kad smo ga se uspješno kurtalisali...i šire. :rofl:
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04 Apr 2019, 17:59

A da, samo... posljedice tog slona u sobi s porculanom su mnogo dalekosežnije od njegovog trajanja, na žalost.
Kako ekonomski, politički, i što je najgore ekološki.
https://blog.ucsusa.org/josh-goldman/us ... epa-report
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04 Apr 2019, 18:22

A đesu baždarili mjerne uređaje? :mad:
I jesi siguran da global vorming nije samo soušal konstrakt? :rofl:

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04 Apr 2019, 18:49

Šabović Adis wrote:
04 Apr 2019, 18:22
A đesu baždarili mjerne uređaje? :mad:
I jesi siguran da global vorming nije samo soušal konstrakt? :rofl:

Pa kad stabilni genije kaže da zvuk vjetrenjača izaziva rak, onda mora da je tako :rofl:

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04 Apr 2019, 19:59

haram wrote:
04 Apr 2019, 18:49
Pa kad stabilni genije kaže da zvuk vjetrenjača izaziva rak, onda mora da je tako :rofl:

Jamačno (uh, antipatična mi je ova riječ).
Wow, postala sam moderatorica. :)
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05 Apr 2019, 04:07

Pogleč muvi sin kaunter... :S

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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18 Apr 2019, 08:56

Kentucky Republican Rand Paul is pressuring the Trump administration to pledge not to attack Iran without proper war authorization in Congress, a call that comes after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left the possibility of a military action against the Islamic Republic open.

Pompeo suggested on Wednesday that the U.S. could strike the Iranian regime using the Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) passed that permits actions against Al Qaeda and other groups responsible for the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rand-p ... -authority
I tako, Hilari bi napala Iran - rekoše Trumpovi navijači za vrijeme predizborne kampanje... jel tako, Miki? :facepalm:
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19 Apr 2019, 16:36

Sada je Trumpova administracija legalizirala da Amerikanci mogu i doslovno jesti govna.
https://www.local10.com/health/its-now- ... J3jSvpAfJ4
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25 May 2019, 21:41

King, we're losing our ass defending you, King, and you have a lot of money... :S
:rofl: :rofl:
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25 May 2019, 23:21

Odmah mi je lakše kad vidim da i drugi imaju klauna na čelu države. :D
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